Tag Archives: waffle maker




It’s so easy to throw a few waffles in the toaster in the morning for breakfast. Fast, simple. Nice. I usually buy my waffles at Costco because it seems likes a pretty good deal. But what if I made my own waffles instead?

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I’m going to work out the calculations in a future post. But in the mean time….

I do not have a waffle maker. But I can make pancakes. So, I surprised my kiddo with homemade pancakes instead this morning. I haven’t made pancakes in a long time. My dad actually taught me to make pancakes as a kid. It’s one of the few things he cooked and I enjoyed sharing this experience with him.

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As a side note, if you ever see a vintage Pyrex mixing bowl at a yard sale then get it. They are amazing. I have several. This happy yellow bowl is my favorite. They really come in handy for skinning tomatoes and peaches while canning.



I knew that my little one and IĀ couldn’t finish all the pancakes from this recipe. So, I decide to eat what I could and freeze the rest for later. I was afraid the pancakes would stick together. To solve this, I froze each pancake individually on a baking sheet. Once frozen, I stacked the pancakes together and placed in a freezer bag. Labeled. Done!


I don’t really enjoy syrup. Weird. I know. I like using homemade jam instead. This picture shows my homemade blackberry jam from last summer. Yum!!!
