Good deal!

Good deal!

Sorry it’s been so long since my last post. The holiday season was crazy!

Anyways, for the moms out there looking to save a buck Once Upon a Child is having some good winter sales. Just got 20 items for a dollar each! Clearance 🙂

I know I probably could find them cheaper in a yard sale. My sister-in-law can find clothes for a quarter each. But it seems that everyone is having boys! Couldn’t find any boy clothes last summer to save my life!! Only girls clothes…. Maybe I’ll have better luck next summer.

Back to my finds. I got mostly pants, long sleeve shirts and a few sweaters. Good brands, too! Gymboree, Oshkosk, Janie and Jack, and even The Children’s Place.

Now each location is different. The store are found nation wide, but each have their own sales. Just sign up for their email list and they will let you know whats going on for their next sale!





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